WAYNE MILLER ASSOCIATES, LLC Dependable Customer Support since 1980.
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Who are the clients of Wayne Miller Associates?

While a large percentage of the projects that Wayne Miller Associates has worked on are for large companies, most of them have been done directly under contract with smaller companies. As an agent for the smaller companies, we have worked directly with programs for:






General Dynamics


In some cases, our work on programs with these large companies has led to direct contracts with them, but the bulk of our business is with companies that are sized $2 to $40 million. The nature of our business is to perform work that is directly related to product development and production. With smaller companies, the decision-makers are close enough to the level where the work is performed to see the value of our services. We have found that this is seldom the case with larger companies, where work is funded and allocated by company policy and there is little flexibility for using alternate sources of talent.


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